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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My very first blog post - EVER!

Hello all you potential blog-readers 'o mine!  (read - she's caffeinated and feeling proud of herself for figuring this out)  ;)  Okay, so I just tried to upload my bio info and got an error, so I'm skipping to the meat and potatoes portion of my very first post. 

Whew!  Okay, now, just calm down and organize your thoughts (talking to myself).  This is why a blog is good for the stay-at-home mom; it forces you to sit down and just collect your thoughts into one cohesive unit for a while.  For more than three years now, I've been a stay-at-home mom and I LOVE it!  Please don't ever get me wrong on that...but I've gotten to the point where my mind is a jumbled mess of "deep thoughts" that needs to be untangled regularly.  Since becoming an independent consultant for Lilla Rose a few months ago, I've spent a LOT of time reading blogs and searching out good blogs to try to work with...and my appreciation for bloggers has grown to the point where I like the idea of doing one myself.  I've gotten so much out of reading what other like-minded women have to say and what's going on in their lives, that it seems time for me to give this a try.  Admittedly, this is probably the most boring blathering you've ever read - I promise, it will get better.  I'm just on a high right now of figuring this out.  Did you know that it's REALLY hard to come up with a name for your blog????  I had no clue that EVERY idea I had would've been taken already.  Apparently I'm not very original huh...

So where did "To Follow His Lead" come from?  Well, I was driving the kids over to a local park that we've never been to...and pondering how I'm still getting used to living in this area (moved here in June).  As much as I love our home, it just doesn't quite feel like "home" and I've been struggling to figure out WHY...mostly I think it's because we're in a very different area - away from everything I grew up with and all of our family's friends.  So, again pondering on this and thinking of how my husband has moved around all of his life and the only place on earth that really ever felt like "home" to him was Oklahoma - and he hasn't lived there in many, many years.  I had asked him about this the other day and he said that, yes, he just basically "puts up" with every other place he's lived, but no place will ever feel like home as Oklahoma does...which makes me sad for him AND myself (and then I wonder if we should just up and move to South Dakota or something).  That's when I thought, "I just followed his lead" in moving here (went against my grain to leave our old home-base area) - meaning my husband's lead.  I'm one of those old-fashioned, devout Christians who DOES believe in obeying your husband (which is why you MUST be careful of who you marry - can you obey him and trust him to respect you and your feelings and input; if not, don't marry him).  I love my husband (sigh)...he's a good and just man. 

More than following his lead, though, it's critical to follow His Lead - meaning, the Lord.  And that's where the title of this blog came in.  So first and foremost, we should follow His Lead...and as wives, we should follow our husband's lead because God has set up a hierarchy in the family with the husband as "head" of the family.  Sidenote:  I can't STAND it when people basically shun "wives obey your husbands" because they refuse to read on to where the husband is called to love his wife as Christ loved the church (and he DIED for the church).  This is all very "theology of the body" - and if you're Catholic and know what that is, you'll agree...and if you're a devout Protestant (like my Hubby), you probably still have an idea of what I'm talking about.  I'm not trying to get into theological debate here - just stating my own position so ya know where I'm comin' can read more if you like and if you don't like, then please just find a blog you DO agree with.  I don't argue religion because no one is going to change anyone else's mind...and conversion is the work of the Holy Spirit - not of man.  I'm not here to convert anyone; I agree to disagree, peaceably (as I do with my husband - it has to do with mutual respect).  So I hope you'll join me for this new venture!

1 comment:

  1. Great first post, Sarah! I am Protestant, but I have read "Theology of the Body for Beginners"! Great book. I'd like to read Pope John Paul's original someday.

    I am new at blogging, also. At first I had no idea what I'd write about, since there are already so many great posts out there! But now, I keep thinking up things I'd like to say! Now all I need is time to say it!

    Have fun in your new endeavor!
